Friday, March 4, 2011

Documents for Teachers

I think that teachers may use Zoho Suite for calendars, grade books and any other important information for their classroom.  I think that it would be beneficial for them to know how to use this type of software.  Google Docs are an easy way to share documents between emails, but I don't really see the importance for teachers to learn about this.  Open Office is a great way for teachers to create teaching materials and this would be something that the kids would be able to have access to as well.  I think that teachers would benefit from learning about Open Office.  I have had problems with Word Processors, but I usually google it and find out how to do it.  Google is a great way to figure out how something works or what steps you would need to follow to get the results that you are looking for. 


  1. Dana,
    I love Google, I Google everything. My husband makes fun of me because I always Google things. I got my mother in law hooked on Google.

  2. Dana: You might check out the ideas posted by Google on how to integrate Google docs in the classroom:

    Remember, Google Docs are free--as opposed to Microsoft Office. Also, they are available via the Web, which means anyone can access them from any computer.

  3. @Amy I also Google everything. If I have a question on how to do something, the first thing I do is Google it. That's a typical Digital Native habit. It's also a great problem-solving technique.


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