Monday, January 10, 2011

Blogs and Wikis and Podcasts, Oh My!

The Horizon Report 2007 listed User Created Content (e.g. blogs, wikis, YouTube, Flickr) and Social Networking (e.g. Facebook) as the technology trends that would be impacting education within one year or less. Mobile phones and virtual worlds were two-three years out and massively multi-player educational gaming was four-five years out. That report was released five years ago.

What has been your experience with these technology tools? How have they impacted your personal life? What about your educational career? What do you see as barriers to their adoption in education?

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Welcome to our Educational Technology 271 class blog. I have created this blog as a way for us to use technology and forge new connections with our readings and projects.

Each week, I will post a prompt as a new blog entry and ask that you write an answer in the comments section.  Doing this will allow us to better share ideas and opinions about what we are learning. It is also a way for you to think critically about what you are learning and to make connections with what  you already know and how you might use this information in your classroom.

Just remember, I still expect you to follow all the typical rules of composition and writing. This is no place for text-message abbreviations or sloppy writing. You need to remember that what we say and do here is available for any of us to read - teachers, classmates, members of the community, even others in the world.