Monday, January 10, 2011

Blogs and Wikis and Podcasts, Oh My!

The Horizon Report 2007 listed User Created Content (e.g. blogs, wikis, YouTube, Flickr) and Social Networking (e.g. Facebook) as the technology trends that would be impacting education within one year or less. Mobile phones and virtual worlds were two-three years out and massively multi-player educational gaming was four-five years out. That report was released five years ago.

What has been your experience with these technology tools? How have they impacted your personal life? What about your educational career? What do you see as barriers to their adoption in education?


  1. I do not have a lot of experience wih technology, but I am learning as I go today i did myfirst Blog and I hope I did all right. I do use facebook a lot to keep in touch with family and frends.I enjoy it Because I have found some friends fom when I livedin NY and that was cool. Computers are kind of difficult but I have gotten better at them through taking online coarses. Cell phones are ok I do like to tex when I can. Having technology has helped my personal by finding old friends and staying in touc with family. It also has been a big help having online classes because I can't afford al that daycare cost sense I work full time all ready, and I get to spend more time with my kids this way. My bareers is just lerning how to do new things with technology it sems to be growing bigger before I can get one thing down.

  2. I love computers and everything to do with them. I don't know everything but I try to figure it out...sometimes it takes me a couple of minutes and sometimes it takes me actually asking someone to help me. I use YouTube and Facebook just about everyday so I am very familiar with that. I also have the smartphone thing going on and truthfully its more aggrevation then it is worth. Facebook helps me to keep in contact with people that I know that I'm not able to see on a daily basis so i like that alot. My barriers would have to be trying to keep up with technology these days just as soon as you find out one thing another thing comes out to try to learn.

  3. When it comes to technology, I see myself as a dinosaur. I seem to be the last one I know to learn to use anything technological. Honestly, I've avoided it whenever possible. I do, however, have a cell phone. We originally got a mobile phone because both my husband and I drove very old vehicles and I was afraid of breaking down out in the boondocks and not knowing what to do. I know how to make calls on it but that's as far as that goes. I've never texted anyone. We excluded that feature when we got the phone.
    I've never played a virtual world or multi-player educational game.
    I've taken a few online classes, so I can basically use the computer, but at times the challenge has made me want to throw it out of the window. (I have heard that this is normal while learning to use it) The computer has been a real asset to my education. Having information so readily at my fingertips makes all the difference.
    I can see how virtual world and some of the games could be a barrier to education. If someone were spending too much time doing it, rather than their homework or studying, it could be a problem. I suppose we will just need to monitor our children to make sure homework is done before the gaming begins.

  4. I personal do not have a lot experience with technology. But I often try to get the newest technology toys. I brought a smart phone. I had my phone two months before my daughter. My daughter end up showing me all the app. that was available on my phone because we had the same phone. I often use facebook, you Tube, yahoo messenger, and twitter but still learning how to maneuver around these pages. The biggest challenges for me are going to be staying on top of the technology world. I want to have a positive influence on children. I know I have to get better at this beast they call technology. For example: I worked at a summer program last year. The program had wii’s there for the children. Well I took my class to play the wii. Now my class had only 3rd and 4th graders. I had to have one of the third graders show me how to get it set to play the games. I was a little embarrassed. That next week I went and brought a wii.

  5. Just a note...When I taught in a F2f traditional classroom, I used to tell my kids that if I wrote something on the board, then it was probably important and they should take note. I can't do that in the electronic environment; however, I do provide hyperlinks to articles and items that I think you should pay attention to. How many of you even clicked to open the Horizon Report before posting your comment? How do you think even scanning the document might have enriched your reflections before posting? Think about it...

    Also, remember that the blog is open to the world. That means you might double check spelling, grammar and punctuation before posting. One way to do that is to write your post in WORD document first and then copy and paste into the comment section.

  6. I am way behind on all of the technology of today. My experience with technology has mostly been with Facebook and using my computer for my on line classes. I have a cell phone, but to be honest if I did not have kids I would not have one at all. I hate talking on it and I get annoyed when I am in a store and someone calls me, sometimes I just want some quiet alone time. I know that technology is not going to go away and that as the years move on we are going to become more advanced, but I wonder about the health and social development of the young children today. Technology is not a bad thing, but with it you see children playing outside less and play is an important part of childhood development. I know that I must learn as much as I can about technology if I want to be successful in my career as a teacher.

  7. I have had a facebook account since my junior year of college (about 7 years). I or my family has had a cellphone for the last 20 years, and computers started becoming a big part of gradeschool instruction when I was 8 or 9 years old. It occurred to me that I have had my e-mail addresses longer than I have actually lived anywhere. Isn't that an odd realization?

    Even though I have grown up with most of this stuff, I'm still not sold on a lot of it as far as instruction goes. I teach 9th grade, but most of my students are on a 5-6 grade reading level. They are engaged in texting, social networking, and blogging all day long (which according to the presentation means they are reading a lot), but it is not translating into actual reading skills. Using technology should not be confused with enhanced mental skills. I am not convinced that writing a letter with pen and paper requires different 'higher level thinking skills' than writing a letter using e-mail. A kid takes a quiz and writes the letter "A" on his paper for his answer. He takes another quiz and texts the answer with his phone. What is the difference?

    The obvious barrier to a lot of these tools being used in the classroom is funding. SOME of the students have iPods, not all of them. You can only use a lot of these tools if ALL of the students have access to them. If a student doesn't have a computer or the internet at home, there is no using Facebook.

  8. Well I have being a technology tools for a while in my school life. The impacted of technology in my life have being a great challenged in my school life. It have being hard to understand the new technology have they have invented into today world, but I will be strong and try my best to understand it. My educational career around technology have help me in some of my school years because by having a associate degree in business management I need to have some technology skills in working around management. My barriers is that you learns different stages in education games and other technology gadgets where you will figure it out and then they will send upper new education games and technology gadgets.

  9. I am not a technology person. I have a cell phone for emergency purposes only. I don't talk on the phone that much. When I do it's just to keep in touch with my family. I have a webcam on my laptop but don't know how to use it. I don't have facebook or my space. Therefore I am way behind in the world of technology.

  10. I have had a pretty good experience with technology up until the past 4 years. I have not been a really big technology person anymore, I just do the basics. I use to use myspace but I have switched to facebook and use it often. I do most of my classes online for school. A barrier for me is keeping up with the quickly changing technology. It changes too quickly for me to keep up.

  11. I do not know a lot about computers, but I enjoy surfing the web on then to find information that may be helpful to me. Technology has come a long way. It has made some of our lives easier to keep in touch with family and friends. It has even help some of us find old friends are long lost family members. I have reconnected with 2 of my nieces and a lot of old friends by using facebook. The barrier I have is learning how to master the use of smart phones and computers to their fullest extent.

  12. It has a huge impact my life. I use my phone daily because of sending and receiving e-mails. I have to use the computer for all the classes I am taking online. Technology has had an impact on everyone's life, but some more than others. I don't use the computer unless I have a purpose, but I am hoping to learn more about the computer for future references.

  13. One barrier with computers is not everyone has an computer or has access to an computer. Another barrier is that everyone needs access to an computer for educational puposes. There is also identity theaft and that is a fear of many people have with the use of computer.

  14. I don’t often use YouTube because I usually watch videos on television if I watch them. Facebook is used every day by me. I have Facebook on my phone and I use it on my laptop. A good estimate on how many times I use Facebook a day is about 50 or more times a day. So I guess you could say Facebook is one of my favorite networking areas. Facebook has impacted my life greatly. It has allowed me to keep in contact with relatives and friends who are distant and ones who are close by. I’m currently enrolled in school for Early Childhood. In this course I have used YouTube to watch presentations. My barrier would be keeping up with the changes of the high tech capacity. A barrier to some would be the expense of using this technology.

  15. As far as technology goes I know the basics just like everyone else. I can go online and research or communicate (Facebook) I have a blackberry, digital camera, printer/scanner, Wii, tvs, etc. BUt that doesn't mean I am great with technology there is so much I dont understand or know how to do. I've never mad ea blog or wiki. But technology is still an important aspect of my world. Barriers schools may have with technology is the cost and not having all children on the same skill level as one another.

  16. I have had a Facebook account since 2004, when Facebook was limited to only college students with a University e-mail account (which is how it should still be in my opinion), and a MySpace account since high school. I used to enjoy making my pages personalized to my tastes, creating backgrounds, and display options. I have also used YouTube to watch videos. I have not used blogs much because I like to keep my personal thoughts personal and do not like to display them to the entire world. Also, I have viewed some forms of blogging as a little self-righteous. Some people who blog put things that should be kept personal into their blog where the entire world can read it. People tend to share too much information with people that they don’t know and it makes them and sometimes their friends and families unsafe. It is nice to keep in touch with family members that you may not see very often, but some people shouldn’t be able to be a part of your life (i.e. exes, people you were friends with but aren’t any more, complete strangers, etc.). Sites can also have an impact on relationships. People have more opportunities to meet others which can cause problems when people are disrespectful of personal boundaries. I haven’t used a lot of these in my educational careers because the information is not always from a reliable resource (i.e. Wikipedia instead of an actual encyclopedia). I see that as one of the main barriers of using these resources in education. Another barrier is safety and privacy of the children, teachers, and parents. Depending on your privacy settings on your pages, anyone may have access to your photos, addresses, phone numbers, workplaces, friends, your friends’ information, their friends’ information, etc.

  17. I love technology. I have a computer, laptops, ipods, iphone, GPS system in car! I use them almost everyday. I have facebook but rarely get on my myspace account anymore. I play a lot of games on my facebook account, my husband calls me a junkie LOL. Technology can be your best friend if you just let it, just don't let it control your lives. You lead your life, you put what you want to put, and you click where you want to click. You can also use the preferences to make sure you have only the people you want seeking your page and all i.e. facebook and myspace. But there are other things that can lead people into seeing your info and track you down. Not sure how that all works yet. But in this class there are things I can learn more about especially with powerpoints ( i know some ) but there is always things to brush up on. Im sure there are other things that we will be using that I probably never used before. But in due time I will learn.

  18. I do not have much experiences with doing a blog. As a matter of fact now I am thinking about it I have actually never done a blog before.Now that we are approaching the 21st century we are now more dependent on technology and I think that we need to embrace it.Some barriers that could affect people from using technology could be their income. Some people just cannot afford to own something as simple as a home phone all the way up to a computer.

  19. Wow!! That was a lot of info. I am sure other people are thinking the same as you. Can these things really go for education, texting and blogging? I really think that texting has more of a negative effect on children. They even start to write the way that they text. Not really a good thing. Plus we lose out on the real meaning behinde the words when we are just looking at a text.

  20. Carrie: What do you mean that we lose the real meaning of the words when we are looking at a text? Are you referring to the text abbreviations (LOL)?

    I agree that I have seen an impact on my students' writing in that I have had several students who failed to capitalize the I. However, as an English teacher, I have been combating and trying to teach the difference between formal and informal writing for ages. This is just a different kind of "informal." With blogs, however, I am hoping that writing for a broader audience (not just the teacher or friends/family) will make the writing experience more authentic. Therefore, I hope they will preview and proofread their submissions BEFORE they click the submit button.

  21. I love computers and love technology. I know about face book, myspace, twiiter and all of that. It was fun creating all sites when I did creat them and to see people putting comments your page and following you on twitter I was like wow, technology, is this all that people live by. Now we have the cell phones that nitfies you when you get a twitter comment, a facbook comment a myspace comment, etc. You can actually get your emails through your phone, technology is something else. People actually live by their phones and dont forget it at home, a lot of people will turn back around to go and get it. Thats a WOW factor. But in this class I expect to learn alot more there is to know about technology, and I know that it will be exciting.

  22. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!This is definitely a whole lot of information. I do work everyday on my computer, know a little about facebook, but blogging and whatever else we are going to learn is definitely going to be a challenge. Now, Mobile Phones, I can't live without mine now. Personally my cell phone has made a positive impact with my job responsibility as Owner/Director of my childcare facility. I am able to attend meetings, classes, seminars or business related errands and my staff can reach me in case of an emergency. Facebook has created a new world for me where I am able to share pictures immediately with long distance relatives and friends. Technology has come a long way fast and I have a lot to learn at my age of 51. I hope I can keep up!!!

  23. What has been your experience with these technology tools?
    Way to much...
    How have they impacted your personal life?
    Made the hard things easy and the easy things hard. We had a lighting system for the Runway lights that operated on dials from the 1960's that worked great. We now have a touch screen panel that broke the 1st week we got it. Now its a paper weight.

    What about your educational career?
    I've completed 2 degrees online and love it compared to what we did before online PC courses. Have you ever tried to complete a Biology Class via the US Mail System. It was a Nightmare!

    What do you see as barriers to their adoption in education?
    Technology moving to fast to use it effectively. Profit take over Education. There are so many different formats for the same thing by so many different companies it makes it almost impossible to synchronize things.

  24. After Reading the report I'm actually amazed at how many groups are trying to creat MMO Learning tools that I've never heard of. Educational Software has never really made a profit compared to FPS(First Person Shooter) type games. The question remains what company is going to step up and make the difference.

  25. I am feeling way out of my league here. As in I don't really have a league here! My experience with these technology tools is cripplingly limited, I'm afraid. I feel like a cool kid now that I'm on Facebook but it really cuts into my time management so I try not to check it more than once a day. I have used Blackboard before but I guess that's not the same as using a social network for educational purposes. I love using Facebook as a way to safely (at least kind of safely) post pictures of my children for my family back home to see. It's also an excellent way for a stay-at-home mom to reach out to the outside world when I'm feeling a little claustraphobic. I can see how tools such as user content forums and social networking sites will help me excel in my growth as a teacher as far as fishing for new ideas and sharing my own for feedback from my peers. I have a mobile phone and I have to admit I'm a fan of texting. I'm a busy mom with lots of volunteer responsiblities so I can't always chit chat when all I need is a simple response or to send a quick reminder. At the same time, I become really annoyed with people who bump into me in public because they were too busy texting to watch what they were doing! I have no experience with virtual worlds...or if I do I don't know it! The ideas presented in the presentation sound wonderful for fostering an out of the box learning environment and I can see how in the long run this can be very cost effective for some training experiences. I'm eager to learn more about this but really nervous! I have, by choice so far, no experience with multi-player gaming. I want to say here that I never really wanted to know more about this but here goes nothing!
    I think one of the basic barriers to the adoption of these technology tools into education is that there is likely always going to be a generation gap. I take the ability to compose an e-mail for granted but I know adults (most of them older than me) that did not learn this in school and struggle with e-mail technology. Likewise, I anticipate that my children will take for granted the ability to perform functions that I am going to struggle with. Will there always be people willing to take leaps and strides to teach this material and stay current on advancements in technology themselve? I think if the price is right. If those proficient in these technologies are not paid what they feel they are worth why would they offer their time and services to bring them to a university or (gasp!) preschool! Another barrier, whether we want to admit it or not is, in my opinion, that some of us are just set in our ways. I want to read real life books with a cover and binding and I want to hoard them and dust them on bookshelves that take up too much space! I know. This is an Ice Age way of thinking but it is my example of how we are all going to have quirks we have to overcome if we are to stay relevant in the classrooms in which we serve. I never thought I would find myself in a field requiring use of advanced technology!

  26. I remember being introduced to Facebook in the spring of 2006 as a freshman in college. In the few short years since, our generation has drowned itself in the narcissistic technologies of Facebook, blogs and Twitter. Although I’m not a fan of most of these new forms of technology, I can see how they can sometimes be beneficial in education.

    I worked as a teacher’s assistant my sophomore and junior years at my previous college. One of the assignments involved groups presenting, introducing and involving the rest of the class in a chosen religious world-view. I remember one particular group came up with the idea of creating a Facebook group that every student could join, pose questions, schedule study times and so on. Unfortunately, it wasn’t utilized very well and failed to help most of the rest of the class, but it was definitely interesting to see it brought up.

    I think the biggest barrier in implementing these technologies into the classroom is the simple basis of what they are- a form of entertainment. Growing up, I remember relaxing every time the television was wheeled into the classroom. Even when I got older and had to take notes on the film, I still saw it as an easy day because, well, I’m watching television at school. As participants of Facebook and YouTube get younger and younger, it seems only more likely they’ll grow up seeing it as entertainment rather than a study tool.

  27. I hope to learn alot from this course.I have already been looking thought the book and so far so good.I hope i willl do good in this class .I can`t wait to read more post from other classmates.Good luck everybody

  28. I have learned alot from techogogly.I`m always doing thing on the computer.I love to learn new thing to do and how to do them.

  29. What has been your experience with these technology tools? How have they impacted your personal life? What about your educational career? What do you see as barriers to their adoption in education?

    I currently use the social network Facebook. I have had great experiences with this site. When I first signed up it was a little confusing at first, but I quickly learned how it worked. It has affected my personal life because it has reconnected me with people from highschool, which has been great. It has not affected my career at all. I strictly use it for socializing with my friends.

  30. My experience with technology is pretty good since I am class 2009. Since then I have not being up date because I being focus more on work. I know the basic and I help anyone with basic skills. My only social site is facebook to keep in touch with the family. I am very positive when it comes to technology and by taking online classes I hope to learn faster.

  31. I wish you everyone good luck in this class..We all know that technology advances everyday and even every second but after looking through the modules and the textbook I believe this class will give us a better understanding of educational technology...We can do it if we put our mind to it!

  32. Carrie I understand what your saying and I do agree that the youth are losing the meaning behind words. Children are overexaggerating using abbrevations when they should be establishing their proper language.I also believe sometimes people use the abbrevation but because they may be in a rush and have to sent a message quickly..

  33. Danielle Keller:
    Thanks so much for your well-thought-out and reflective comment. You provided information about your experiences and then tied them to the Horizon Report information. Your is an example of the kind of post I am wanting and expecting.

  34. Trina,
    I believe I am going to have to burry my head in this in order to succeed!! Good luck to you.

  35. I have used Facebook for personal use, but have not used any of the other user content websites discussed. Facebook has allowed me to keep in touch with my many out-of-town friends and relatives. I have not yet used any of these technologies for my educational career, but I hope to in this class. I work with learning impaired children and I think it will take time for these tools to be adapted for their special needs.

  36. Technology is now our future it seems to me so you got to learn no matter what. I don't like it but if you want keep up what's going when your becomeing a teacher it a must. So I'm all ears. I'm good with it but willing to learn.

  37. After going thruall of this I know something good is coming

  38. I should have learn this from watching the cartoon The Jetson LOL

  39. I have very little experience technology. Like everyone I can use my cell phone. I always take picture and text them to my relatives. My family some time talks to me on Skype. I love that. I can see and hear them. Running a daycare is hard I need to learn all I can about computer and technology of today.

  40. I have some experience with technology, but I never did a blog. I been on here a couple of times thinking that it post. Hopefully, it will post. I really have to get update with all the new sites like twitter.

  41. Technology is all around us and now it is impossible for us to function without it. Technology is still evolving and that is what makes learning about it so challenging. It can be pretty much be used in every facet of our lives.

  42. My experience with all these technology tools has been mixed. I visit FB more than I do My____, simply because it caters more to the twentysomething crowd on up and YouTube serves as my secondary entertainment center. I realize Facebook, along with Twitter(not connected) is the way to go for professional purposes, so I try to keep my space (hhmmm) straight. I have a Samsung Comeback, which is a flipphone that gives me texting abilities as well as a reasonable-sized screen for viewing purposes. It helps me stay current so I know how one can communicate as well as entertain oneself. I can reach friends, old classmates, family member, and connect with new people that share common interests with me. My phone’s most frequent use is being my address book. With all the features added to it, I can see my Day Runner may eventually go the way of the rotary telephone and the cassette player. My biggest issue with all this is privacy. I feel sometimes as if I’m prostituting myself because I have expanded myself to other sites that cater to specific interests. And it’s hard to keep up, because time management fast becomes another issue. I cannot ignore, or deny the need to use technology in every area of society, because all of this is interconnected. So every teacher will become immersed in it as they pursue their educational career as well as their professional- and personal development. One obvious barrier will be economics. New technology costs money. So does training, peripherals, accessories, and upgrades. What if various school districts that are considered poor cannot afford all this? When you are talking budget cuts in every aspect of education, how can these districts go around the money issue so they can still invest in the children’ s potential? Another barrier which will affect everybody is also obvious: progression. When current trends fade away in the light of newer, more effective methods, that which a school may possess will be obsolete. By the time funds allocated for the schools reach them and they earmark them for technological upgrades, they will be behind by one or two generations of use and exposure.

  43. What has been your experience with these technology tools? I have used these to help me with my education, help me keep in touch with family. I feel that these are needed to move forward in the technology world. How have they impacted your personal life? They have made my life a whole lot easier. I have every thing I need at my fingertip. What about your educational career? It has improved my educational career by allowing me to find different things I need for class. What do you see as barriers to their adoption in education? That once you are online you may have the urge to look at different other sites and not concentrate on your work at hand.

  44. I am just learning how to use the cyber link you cam and also Skype to keep in touch with my granddaughter I have an LG cell phone that I use for calls but everyone seems to be into texting I do text sometime but I love to get my daily reading of the Word for today. I am also learning how to use the PSP. My son tries to keep me up with the new technology that is out there today
    What I want to know is how to Blog, twitter and all the new technology that is being offer. I know I can’t learn all of this is one day but this is a big start for me.

  45. I do not have a lot of experience with Technology. I have taken over 3/4th of my classes online. A lot of assistance from the instructors allowed me to do well. However on my own was a struggle at best. I do enjoy browsing the internet to find new recipes, how to projects or answers about health habits. I have a face book page where I keep in contact with my classmates of 82 along with family and friends. My cell phone is used mostly for business and to try to keep up with my children. Sometimes I may take pictures or record a video of something special. The barriers will be the cost and the ability to keep up with the changing of different programs. How will the low income families be able to experience the technological change? Education along with being cost effective


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