Friday, March 4, 2011

Word Processor

Do teachers use free wordprcessors? I guess it depends on the age of the teacher, or if they take workshops and or continue their own education. Teachers who earned their teaching degree years ago were not exposed to much technology. Teachers coming into the teaching field now have had an education where technology was require of them, plus younger teachers have grown up in a generation using computers and being exposed to these types of software. Yes, teachers should know how to use these tools because once they have learned how to use them it will help them by cutting down on thier time spent on activities and it will help them to share and introduce these tools to there students who are in a digital world.
There are often times when I would like to know more about the computer and programs that are available. Like in taking this class, if I already knew how to do he technological stuff this class wouldn't be so frustrating, and it wouldn't take soooooo much time! Specifically there was a time when I wanted to know how to us Excel to create a page with formulas. I wanted to use it in relation to my bills. I know how to just type in the rows and columns but that is about it. I gave up, just didn't do it. Now were has that gotten me, no where. I still don't know how and I still would like to know. I believe through the information this week and with a lot of frustration and time I will have a better understanding of how to create and utilize a spreadsheet.
When it comes to using Microsoft Word, I'm pretty good at making things look pretty. My husband was selling his motorcycle and wanted to create a flyer. I helped him to add a picture and change the font style and size to look nice. To me it was very easy, to him it was not so easy because he had never done it before.


  1. I used Excel too for maintaining my bill situation. I feel that this program can be used for many different things and one of them was for a our spreadsheet this week in class. It's easy to use, pretty self explanatory. I use it to label what bills I have, how much they are, and at the end also include how much I will be getting paid and what is left over extra money for spending or family time.

  2. Well you got one up on me. I feel like I am the only one in this class that isn't good at manipulating the computer.

  3. You are not alone. I can do basic stuff on the computer, but nothing fancy. I know what you mean about trying to manipulate the computer. I was having a hard time trying to manipulate my text on the Venn diagram.

  4. The trick with the Venn Diagram is to create separate text boxes--as I did with the example I posted.


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